Hargeisa 29 May, 2024 {MoFD} – A Weekly Meetings on the Goods and Sales Tax {GST} Implementation Project.


The weekly meeting on the implementation of the sales tax project was held at the headquarter of the Somaliland Ministry of Finance {29 May, 2024}.

The meeting which were chaired by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance Mr. Saleeban Jama Dirie has been analyzed for issues such as:

  1. A review was made and some questions were asked about the duties that were taken in the previous meeting.
  2. To initiate a campaign to collect arrears of revenue {un-collected revenue} especially sales tax.
  3. To protect the taxpayers of the GST in the country.
  4. To promote public awareness and the use of electronic vending machines.

And at the conclusion of the meeting the Deputy Minister Mr. Saleeban Jama Dirie urged the sales tax project implementation team to redouble their efforts, while praising the achievements they have achieved in the implementation of this project which has been going on for a short period of time.

=Wabillaahi Tawfiiq=

Waaxda Xidhiidhka Dadwaynaha Iyo Xogta

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