
Internal Audit


To achieve best practices and standards of governance and control for enhanced transparency and accountability in the management and utilisation of public resources.


To provide an objective appraisal of systems, improve the effectiveness of risk management and control of governance processes in the ministry and Departments.

Core Values

The following guiding principles will ensure professionalism in the  work of the department:

Integrity: The integrity of internal auditors establishes trust and thus provides the basis for reliance on their judgment.

Objectivity and independence: Internal auditors exhibit the highest level of professional objectivity in gathering, evaluating, and communicating information about the activity or processes being examined.  Internal auditors make a balanced assessment of all the relevant circumstances and are not unduly influenced by their own interests or by others in forming judgments

Confidentiality: Internal auditors respect the value and ownership of information they receive and do not disclose information without appropriate authority unless there is a legal or professional obligation to do so.

Competency: Internal auditors apply the knowledge, skills, and experience needed in the performance of Internal Auditing services.

Objectives and Priorities

  • Assessing and safeguarding of assets;
  • Assessing risk
  • Evaluating governance processes;
  • Performing quality reviews;
  • Investigating fraud;
  • Evaluating internal controls;
  • Reviewing and assessing operating processes;
  • Reviewing accounting and financial information;
  • Ensuring compliance with laws,
  • Regulations and contracts, and assessing the efficient use of resources.


The Internal Auditor will develop and maintain a strategy for providing the Ministry economically and efficiently, with objective evaluation of, and opinions
on, the effectiveness of the risk management, control and governance
arrangements of the Ministry. The Internal Auditor’s opinions are a key element of the framework of assurance for the Ministry needs.